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MBABANE – A collaboration for the future!

This was the objective behind the meeting between Eswatini Prime Minister His Excellency Cleopas Dlamini and the United States African Development Foundation (USADF) CEO, Travis Adkins, at the U.S Africa Leaders Summit at Washington, DC in the United States.

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The summit is slated for December 13, 2022 (today) to December 15, 2022.

Hosting the African leaders is the U.S President, Joe Biden.

The Eswatini Premier jetted out of the country about a week ago, where he first landed in Luanda, Angola to represent His Majesty King Mswati III at the 10th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Organisation of Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific States.

His Excellency then proceeded to the U.S, where he currently met the USADF CEO.

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According to the official USADF Twitter page, Adkins kicked off the busy week at the U.S Africa Leaders Summit week by meeting with the Prime Minister of Eswatini to discuss future collaboration.

Adkins, according to his official LinkedIn account, is the current USADF President and CEO and he came into office in January this year. He is an international development leader with nearly 20 years’ experience working with vulnerable populations in over 50 nations across Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

He is also a lecturer for U.S Policy, Security Studies and African Studies at George Town University. Before being USADF CEO, he was Deputy Assistant Administrator for Africa at USAID.