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By EPN Reporter

MBABANE – Prime Minister Russell Mmiso Dlamini has lectured the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) countries on how Eswatini is governed under the Tinkhundla system of governance.

The Prime Minister gave the lecturer during the 19th NAM Summit, which was held in Kampala, Uganda. The premier was representing His Majesty King Mswati III in the summit. He told the NAM Heads of State and Government that Eswatini was a constitutional monarchy.

The PM explained that the King and iNgwenyama is the head of state and traditional leader of the Nation with all the rights, prerogatives and obligations conferred by the 2005 Constitution and Eswatini Law and Custom.

“Our Constitution was enacted after an all-inclusive dialogue with all Emaswati throughout all levels of our society, with the assistance of the Commonwealth and the International Community,” the prime minister said.

He said like many other democracies, the country’s Constitution recognised the role of the Monarchy as well as a bi-cameral parliament, separation of powers, fundamental human rights and the Rule of Law.

The Constitution, the PM said, also took into account the country’s rich cultural heritage and traditional African values in that it was grounded in respect, consensus and community support through traditional structures.

He said our system is based on individual merit where candidates are nominated from their communities to stand for elections in constituencies which we call Tinkhundla.

He said election to political office is through individual merit and on the basis of a candidate being known in their community, rather than on political affiliation.

He explained that Members of Parliament elected represent and are accountable to their constituencies directly.

“Our system allows for robust debate in Parliament on issues related to community development and national interest. Constituents expect Members of Parliament to meet in Parliament as colleagues rather than combatants, to look for consensus rather than partisanship, and to balance the interests of their constituencies with the interests of the Nation,” he said.

The PM stated that Eswatini do not have a Western model of government because we are Africans and chose to adopt a homegrown model which has evolved to incorporate the best of our traditional governance with more contemporary principles.

“Our system has grown organically, evolving with the aspirations of our People as determined by Emaswati,” he said.

He disclosed that in terms of our Constitution, the People through Sibaya constitute the highest policy and advisory council of the Nation.

The Head of Government said every LiSwati is at liberty to speak on any matter that they feel is of importance. “Should a matter receive popular support, then that matter is adopted for Governments attention and subsequent action,” he said.