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MBABANE – The police are extremely thankful to the members of the public, especially to the Facebook community, for playing a sterling role in ensuring that an infant was reunited with her family.

The child, who is estimated to be 16 months old, was found loitering in the Manzini Bus Rank yesterday (April 10, 2024) at around 11am. The police officers working at the Manzini Police Station was informed of the incident.

This was after members of the public saw the child walking at the bus terminal, showing signs of being distressed and looking for members of her family. After the Manzini police started investigating, the Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) shared the incident on its Facebook page.

It was after this incident that the members of the public joined and began spreading the information. What followed after that, according to the police, was simply astounding. “Thanks to the astonishing amount of shares, the post quickly reached relevant people within our Facebook community. It was through this widespread sharing that the child’s family was finally able to find out what had happened and, most importantly, were reunited with their little one,” said the police on their Facebook page.

The police organisation thanked the outstanding collaboration of its officers Inspector Temaswati Dlamini and REPS Investigating Officer, Sergeant Thobeka Mathunjwa, who acted upon the crucial information provided by our Sibonile Mabu Angel Dlamini, whom REPS described as the organisation’s online heroine. Dlamini successfully reunited the child with her family, according to the police.

REPS is overwhelmed with gratitude for the supportive nature and the sense of community that the members of the public fostered on its Facebook page. “It is moments like this that demonstrate the positive impact we can have when we come together for the greater good,” concluded the organisation.