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ADDIS ABABA – The Prime Minister of Eswatini, Sipho Cleopas Dlamini, positively supported the common destiny of Africa in his address at the African Union (AU). This was during the ongoing 35th Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly for Heads of State & Government in Addis Ababa on behalf of His Majesty King Mswati III.

PM at Oshoek
Eswatini Prime Minister as he departs for the 35th Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly for Heads of State and Government.

The Prime Minister said, “Taking note of the two reports by president Uhuru Kenyatta and the commissioner on Covid, the Kingdom of Eswatini emphasises the need for all of Africa to forge a meaningful way forward, to silence the guns, eradicate civil strikes and foster egalitarian systems in our societies as the sole imperative of our lifetime.

The importance of this resonates with all of us, and owe it to our people to keep focus on the goals of coexisting in peace and harmony. The sequence starts with our family setups, cascading to larger relationships context of state to state. In this way, Eswatini remains hopeful to see an Africa less divided by its differences, and more united by its common destiny.

In this regard, my delegation wishes to concur with your ruling requesting the TROIKA to engage President Kenyatta. by way of finding common ground on the matter between Western Sahara and the Kingdom of Morrocco.”