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By EPN Reporter

MBABANE-Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Prince Simelane has praised teachers who have continued to show commitment to their jobs, despite the challenges they faced.

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Prince Simelane said this yesterday when he visited John Wesley High School in Mbabane. The minister said the Government was aware of the challenges faced by the teachers and the environments they worked in – which were schools.

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The minister said the Government was always thinking of ways to improve the situation so that the teachers’ work could be easier. He pleaded with the teachers to continue to be committed to their work so that the children, who were the future of the country, could benefit.

He compared the job of being a teacher to those of being a nurse, police officer, doctor, soldier and other jobs. He said those jobs were a calling and not everyone could be able to perform in such jobs, but it called for the professionals to love those jobs because, at times, they would be called to perform when the situation was not conducive.

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The minister also praised the teachers for putting the interests of the children first, pleading with them to continue so that the children could lead their lives in an acceptable manner. He said they were doing a good job by teaching them about Christianity so that they could emulate Jesus Christ, who led an inspiring life during his time on earth.