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MBABANE – Last Friday, pupils from six high schools competed in the 2nd annual Black History Month Public Speaking competition at the Manzini American Corner on Friday.

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The competition was inspired by the words of President Barack Obama, who once said that “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” The pupils rose to the challenge and delivered powerful speeches on a variety of topics, including climate change, beauty standards, bigotry, and governance.

In addition to congratulating St. Marks High School on their well-deserved victory, it’s important to recognise the other schools that competed in the competition. Evelyn Baring and Saim Christian High School put forth fantastic performances, and all of the participants should be proud of their efforts. This event was truly a testament to the power of youth and their ability to make a difference in the world.

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As Chargé d’Affaires Caitlin Piper noted, empowerment is about recognising one’s potential to create change. She encouraged the students to have the vision and courage to pursue their goals, even when the path ahead is uncertain. As she so eloquently put it, “The importance of thinking in these terms is to realize that you have agency. You have the ability and tools to make positive change happen, as long as you have the vision and courage to see it through.” This message is sure to inspire the students and the community at large.