MADLANGEMPISI – A local rapper X-QING-XAVAGE, born Mukelwe Masuku, hails from Madlangempisi, Msinda, under the Hhohho region. A rapper, script writer, poet, drummer, videographer, and philosopher in profression, he introduces the best new talented local series titled “Umjolo Skool Series”, and some trailer videos are “Liphupho La Vuvuh” part 1 & 2 and “Sofa S’lahlane”.
This is a school based series acted at Dvokolowako High School where Xavage completed his high school education. The series is about dating relationship complications among two dangerous school crews who dated teachers and their friends girlfriends, which end up in serious conflicts involved dangerous street crew with a raffle.
The “Liphupho La Vuvuh” description is a gloomy story of a poor girl staying with her grandmother who doesn’t have a life material, at sometimes went school empty stomach, leaving her grandmother sick without a helper back home. Then the “Sofa S’lahlane” trailer is a sad story indeed about a cripple girl who her family attacked by goons leaving her parents dead her cripple.
Actually these are great stories which educates same time, so I would urge support from emaSwati to stream and subscribe for these videos on YouTube. I would also urge the National’s visual broadcasting channels like the Eswatini TV to support by letting them air on screens.