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By Mbono Mdluli

LOBAMBA – It is important that tax compliance burden should be reduced for small and emerging businesses in the country.

His Majesty King Mswati III said this would be one of the efforts by Government of fostering a more conducive environment for business and environment. The King said this today when delivering the Speech from the Throne in the House of Assembly.

The King said another way of fostering a more conducive environment for business and environment would be to simplify the process of registration for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). According to the King, simplifying the registration process of SMEs should be considered by implementing digital solutions.

Particular attention should also be paid to increasing access to business environment services for the minority groups to ensure that they invested in diversity and the world of opportunities out there. He said strategies to stimulate entrepreneurship and expansion of SMEs should be implemented.

He described SMEs as the cornerstone of the country’s economy. He said they were pivotal in driving job creation, particularly in high potential sectors including agri-business, tourism, and ICT, just to name a few.