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MBABANE – In an effort to promote positive thinking and raise public awareness about social issues, media practitioners are encouraged to increase their focus on publishing impactful articles that cover a range of social challenges.

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This was said by Director for Youth Sustainable Development Centre (YSDC) Nokuthula Mbatha during a media workshop aimed at examining the crucial role of Journalism in raising awareness about gender inequality and statelessness in Eswatini today at Mbabane.

“We have witnessed the powerful impact of civil society organisations partnering with media platforms, as demonstrated by the recent Energy Indaba hosted by Standard Bank,” said Mbatha. Mbatha further emphasised that such collaborations could serve as effective tools for influencing positive change within the public.

Mbatha highlighted the crucial role media played in promoting health and inclusive policies, particularly when covering important debates during parliamentary sessions. She noted that media coverage of these discussions often encourages public engagement and reaction, ultimately pushing decision-makers to provide feedback and fostering a platform for citizens to voice their thoughts on the issues at hand. By facilitating this dialogue, the media ensures that public opinions and concerns are heard and considered throughout the decision-making

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Mbatha expressed concern over the media’s tendency to prioritise sensational stories rather than giving adequate attention to critical issues. She emphasised that the media had the potential to inspire citizens to demand change and encourage policymakers to take action. Drawing on the recent election coverage as an example, Mbatha acknowledged the media’s role in providing a platform for public reactions and desires for change.

Recognising the media’s power as a tool for transparency and dissemination of vital information, she urged media professionals to focus on advocacy and public sensitisation. By shaping public discourse and promoting meaningful conversations around pressing issues, the media can significantly impact communities and individuals worldwide.