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MBABANE – Reverend Senzo Hlatshwayo has since been appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA).

This comes after the appointment of Dumsani Mahlinza to the Eswatini Bank Board of Directors.

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Minister Neal Rijkenberg and Eswatini Bank CEO Queen Nozizwe Mulela-Zulu pose with new Eswatini Bank Board Chairperson Dumsani Mahlinza (C).

Reverend Hlatshwayo’s appointment was announced in the presence of esteemed FSRA Board members and Executive Management.

Reverend Hlatshwayo, an esteemed financial expert with a wealth of experience, is poised to play a pivotal role in spearheading the regulation and supervision of Eswatini’s financial landscape. His appointment sets the stage for an exciting new chapter in the FSRA’s pursuit of a safer, more robust financial sector.

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According to a post on their Facebook page, Ntsika Fakudze, the FSRA CEO and Deputy Chairperson, extended a warm welcome to Hlatshwayo, emphasizing the organization’s commitment to collaborate closely with the newly appointed Chairman.

Hlatshwayo brings with him a deep understanding of the financial landscape and a steadfast commitment to the welfare of Eswatini’s economy. With his guidance, the FSRA endeavours’ to implement an unwavering regulatory framework that promotes financial resilience, safeguards consumers and nurtures sustainable economic growth.

This appointment marks a momentous occasion for Eswatini’s financial sector, underscoring the diligent efforts of the FSRA towards greater stability and transparency. Rev. Hlatshwayo’s leadership is poised to become a beacon of change, steering the FSRA towards the realization of its mission and strategic objectives.