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… ETA happy to be part of the SACU Summit


LOZITHA – Eswatini Tourism Authority (ETA) says they are happy to be part of the 8th SACU Summit.

WhatsApp Image 2023 06 29 at 11.25.30 edited

ETA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Linda Nxumalo said the over 160 dignitaries and delegates that are in the country were going to play a huge role in boosting tourism.

“We saw a number of international protocol visit the country this week and the past week. We are happy for our tourism sector because the dignitaries have been shown around,” said Nxumalo.

She further said they were hopeful, that the SACU members would come back and visits the country with their families.

“Tourism works in many levels and dynamics, so we are hoping everyone will come back on their own time and tour the country and tourism,” said Nxumalo.

Worth noting is that some of the said dignitaries and heads of state are booked at the Royal Villas, Sibane Sami, Happy Valley and Hilton Inn Mbabane Hotel among others.

Nxumalo further said the Summit will allow both domestic as well as foreign potential investors to identify state-specific investment possibilities in the segment unique to that state.

She said the States can also simultaneously showcase their strengths to international investors in a bid to invite investments for sprucing up their tourism infrastructure. This will also increase focus towards new destinations.