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MBABANE – The Southern African Development Community (SADC), Electoral Observation Mission (SEOM) has commended Eswatini for calm and peaceful elections

This observation was noted in the released Preliminary Statement on the conduct of the General Elections in the Kingdom of Eswatini that were held on September 29, 2023.

Former President of the Republic of Zambia Enock Kavindele, who is also the Head of SEOM said on Election Day, the SADC Electoral Observation Mission observed the voting process in four Regions of the Kingdom of Eswatini.

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“The deployed observer teams covered 159 polling stations in their respective areas. The voting process was generally peaceful and free of irregularities,” said the former president

He further said, the environment at the polling stations was calm and peaceful. Where 93 percent of the polling stations opened on time. Voting progressed smoothly notwithstanding issues relating to the electronic voters
roll, which delayed the voting process at some Polling Stations.

“ Security Personnel were visibly present at all Polling Stations and acted professionally. The positioning of the ballot booths was such that it did not strictly guarantee the secrecy of the vote at some polling stations,” he said.

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He further highlighted that most polling Stations were accessible to all voters including persons with disabilities except a few cases where the polling stations were either located upstairs and/or had no ramps.

Nonetheless, voters with disabilities, pregnant women and the elderly were given priority and those requiring assistance were helped. During the voting period, at 89 percent of the Polling Stations observed, all registered voters were allowed to cast their ballots except in cases where the voters went to the wrong Polling Station.

“ There was a manual voter register as a backup to the electronic voters register. There was inconsistent application of inking of voters’ fingers. However, the Mission noted that there were several measures that were put in place to avoid double voting, and that the electoral law is silent on the issue of inking voters’ fingers,” he said

The Mission further commended the Kingdom of Eswatini for the following best practices that were noted.

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“The Mission encourages the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini to consider the consolidation of all the seven laws governing the elections into one comprehensive law for ease of accessibility. Political Organisations and Political Parties
The Mission reiterates that the Government and citizens of the Kingdom conduct peaceful and inclusive dialogue with respect to the organisation of the political system, in particular, the recognition of the role of political
parties in the context of the Tinkhundla system,” said Kivandale

Worth mentioning is that the dialogue should give
full effect to section 25 of the Constitution as well as section 236 thereof that also subscribes to the SADC values and norms as enshrined in the Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections which provides for the right to freedom of association