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Windhoek – The renowned joint initiative of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Germany in response to the challenges of global change-Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) is set to host a Green Hydrogen Symposium next week.

The event which is themed: “Green Hydrogen in Practice: Pilot Projects and Y4H2 Scholarships’ will be held at the Windhoek Country Club in Windhoek, Namibia from the 26th to 27th of March, 2024,
According to SASSCAL, the event aims at providing a comprehensive mid-term status report on the ongoing Pilot Projects and the Youth for Green Hydrogen (Y4H2) scholarships in Namibia.

“The symposium serves as a platform for key stakeholders to witness the advancements and achievements in the Green Hydrogen sector in Namibia, showcasing the progress and results of the projects under the Joint Communique of Intent (JCoI).”

Over the two days, the symposium will be characterised by various panel of discussions that explores on the SADC governments preparedness for Green Hydrogen where representatives from Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Zambia will have a discussion session and presentations on skilling the Green Hydrogen economy and academic representations as well as the green hydrogen pilot projects presentations. Moreover, the event will see recipients of the grants for pilot projects presenting their projects, sharing insights into progress, major highlights, challenges, and ongoing capacity building initiatives under the Y4H2 scholarship program.

“Research institutions, industry players from Namibia and Germany, and program coordinator SASSCAL will have a unique opportunity to explore future collaboration opportunities,” says the SASSCAL statement.