SITEKI– The first day of the School Poetry Festival kicked off on a high note at Siteki Town Council Hall on 28th April 2024.

The two-day festival is hosted by the Lubombo Art Centre. Yesterday (April 29, 2024), the festival began at 10am. This was confirmed by Lubombo Arts Officer Bongiwe Silawula. The art centre is a regional branch of the Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture (ENCAC).

The ENCAC put up a notice about the festival on their Facebook page on Friday, inviting aspiring poets and poetesses in the Lubombo region to be part of the Schools Poet Festival. It read, “Poetry is the renewal of words, setting them free, and that’s what a poet does by loosening the words.”

Recently, the ENCAC in Hhohho has also made a call out seeking aspiring dancers or theatre artists in the Hhohho Region. The auditions were in preparation for the upcoming KwaZulu World Carnival. The auditions for the Drama and Dance School Festival will be held at the Gobolondlo Hall in Pigg’s Peak on Thursday (May 2, 2024).

The Hhohho Arts Centre will also celebrate Africa Day in style at the debut Hhohho Streets Arts Fest on May 24. The festival will be held at Pigg’s Peak Mortuary Road, below the government hospital. It is expected to kick off at 10am and end at 4pm. The theme is the Africa Day celebration.