MBABANE – The Kingdom of Eswatini has a unique breed of artists to offer the world, especially female artists. No show profiles the female players in the arts industry of Eswatini quite like XLR PLUG with NOLO DEE. The show finished it’s first season at the end of 2021, and is gearing up for the second season this month.
We took some time to catch up with the one and only Nolo Dee who hosts the different guests live on Kingdom XLR’s Instagram account. Here is what the lively host had to say:

- EPN: Can you briefly describe who you are as Nolo Dee, your relevant experience, and what inspires you to work in the industry you work in.
Nolo Dee: Well my actual name is Mahlogonolo De Moivre which is where the Nolo Dee comes from, I am a media practitioner and a media personality (model, mc, radio and television presenter) from South Africa. I have been in the industry for more than 5years or so but I started out behind the scenes as a photographer before I could face my greatest passion which is on-screen and with a mic in my hand. What inspires me to work in the media industry I guess more than it just being work, it is my passion, my dream, my purpose and where I am supposed to be. - Why are you doing XLR Plug? What’s the mission that drives what you’re doing with it?
Nolo Dee: I am doing XLR Plug because I wanted to expand my media career to other horizons and what a perfect way to do that with this collaboration between South Africa and Eswatini but most importantly I have a very good relationship with the director of XLR MEDIA. Lution was my producer/sound engineer for my radio show on BMH Radio and we have always spoken about doing something together so when he approached me with the idea of having my own show in his stable ,I was like well you don’t have to ask me twice and I took a leap of faith which I do not regret at all. Everything about plug makes me so happy and working with the wonderful team at XLR Media is like working with my brothers on a chilled day with lots of laughter. - As a South African presenter with a show where you interview Eswatini’s finest artists, what have you learned that you didn’t know about Eswatini or the arts scene in the country?
Nolo Dee: One thing I will tell you is that Eswatini is so rich with culture and being South African in this territory I thought I was going to struggle but all the guests just like my team have shown me nothing but love, Ubuntu and just this sense of being and belonging. I’ve also learned that Eswatini personalities, musicians, and influencers support each other, its like a community of artists who are just doing what they love with people they love and I absolutely love it here. - What unique insights have you learned from having conversations with specifically female artists in the country?
Nolo Dee: One thing that stood out for me from having conversations with these phenomenal women in the first season is that they share similar problems not only for them in Eswatini its common everywhere in the world where the women have to fight for their place in every industry. - What do you think is the most misunderstood thing about your work as a show host, presenter, and an MC?
Nolo Dee: The most misunderstood thing about my work is that its easy and you have to just have a pretty face to do what I do. I always tell people I went to school for this and I deserve as much respect as anyone who is qualified and people tend to disrespect what we do because its media and apparently its easy. I put in the work, the hours and the dedication in making sure that everything is just as good as an office document, I deliver so its not as easy as it looks. - You’re also an experienced event MC, when can we expect to see Nolo Dee hosting a show in the Kingdom of Eswatini? Is that something that’s in the cards for you?
Nolo Dee: Besides being the host of the plug which I’m very excited about the second season, we have big plans for me in Eswatini, I think people should expect to see me very soon but for now my first priority is XLR PLUG WITH NOLODEE, making sure that XLR PLUG WITH NOLODEE is bigger than it is right now. - What do you want people to know about what’s in the near-future for Nolo Dee and XLR Plug?
Nolo Dee: NolodeeXLR PLUG has so many things in store for our viewers all over the world, last season we did an all women Eswatini guests line up but this time around we have diverse line up with a South African twist to it. As for Nolo Dee, people should expect nothing but greatness.