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MBABANE – The African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) together with the Ministry of Information Communications and Technology held the second country consultative meeting for the Datacipation program.

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The meetings commenced on August 7, 2033, and will end today. This said meeting is taking place in Ezulwini at Sibane Sami Hotel.

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The DataCipation programme aims to facilitate effective citizen participation in policy-making processes at all levels of government through the creation of mechanisms and spaces (digital and non-digital) that support stakeholder engagement.

One of the key issues discussed was the African Union Handbook on citizen engagement. A proposal was made that the handbook should provide an effective and efficient mechanism for information dissemination and citizen feedback. Also proposed, was the need for peace-building and conflict management to be fully embedded in the processes of stakeholder engagement.

Another key area deliberated upon was the African Union Citizen Engagement Platform.

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AUD representative Jousha Quaye said this was a platform currently being developed to provide digital technologies and tools for the provision of comprehensive interactive information platforms for citizens and citizen groups.

“One of the recommendations was the customisation of the platform to meet the national, regional and continental needs of Africans. The need for mass sensitisation about the platform and how best it can be used to serve the interests of nationals for the attainment of Agenda 2063 was also discussed,” he said.

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The consultation team was led by staff from AUDA-NEPAD. They conducted the consultations jointly with representatives from the pilot countries of the DataCipation Program for peer learning and experience sharing as well as staff from the National Planning Authority which was responsible for the hosting and coordination of the consultation process.

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The key stakeholders during the consultations were members of Parliament, Permanent Secretaries, Heads of government Agencies and Departments, Local Governments, Civil Society.

Some of the delegates are expected to pay a courtesy call to the Minister of Information Communication and Technology Princess Skhanyiso, later today.