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LUDZIDZINI – “We ask Your Majesty that you appoint a Prime Minister who has a good heart like yourself.”

These were the words of Lomathemba Simelane from Dlangeni when making her submissions on Day 3 of the Sibaya People’s parliament.

Simelane was speaking during the section of the day where the discussion mostly revolved around the King’s request for advice as to what character traits the next Prime Minister should have.

Submissions began at 11AM and ended at 12:40 before Acting Governor Mashampu Khumalo announced the next topic to be discussed.

Below are some of the submissions made on the first half of Sibaya day 3:

Joshua from Ludzibini

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“Thank you Your Majesty for the opportunity to come here. Some of the things might have been mentioned but I will reiterate. For instance, I would like to raise the issue of unemployment for qualififed teachers. It so happens tha when hiring happens, some people only hire whom they know personally. As such, this is hard for the educated youth of Eswatini,” he said.

He advised that the prime Minister should be someone whoo will also focus on decentralization.

Simanga Dlamini from Ngowane

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“Your Majesty, we request that the Prime Minister is someone who will focus on all four regions of the currently. He should also look into infrastructure development, especially roads in the most rural of places. As a youth, we also request that we are prioritized in issues of improving employment,” said Dlamini.

Vusi Mtfupha, Dlangeni

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“Today, being a Swati has given me a bigger responsibility than I am, which is to advise His Majesty on appointing a Prime Minister. In this big responsibility ahead of us, I would like to suggest that the Prime Minister be someone who loves the nation, prioritises economic development, and most importantly, someone who understands that the King is a King because of his people,” said Mtfupha.

He also said the Prime Minister should be someone who is not afraid to advise the King truthfully and with integrity.

Sipho Nkonyane from Zombodze Emuva

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“It is a treasure to me to be called to Sibaya. Your Majesty, we would be happy to have a Prime Minister who visits the whole nation. He should have days when he works on official diplomatic matters in offices, and days when he visits the different communities of Eswatini as part of his work schedule,” he said.

Busisiwe Dvuba from Mpolonjeni

“Your Majesty, may we please have a Prime Minister who will visit all four corners of the country. As someone who raises disabled children, I would like to also emphasise that the issues of people living

Reverend Johannes Mazibuko from Motshane

“Your Majesty, the Prime Minister we would love is one who loves nationhood, the nation, and the country. Sociologists and culturalists say it takes one generation to destroy a culture. AS such, it makes me panic to see things which are destroying the nationhood of this nation. Development should go hand in hand with the nationhood of the nation,” said Mazibuko.

Lomathemba Simelane from Dlangeni

“Your Majesty, I bring issues which affect me personally. The first is that I am disabled, so I cannot work for myself even though I need money to live. We ask Your Majesty that you appoint a Prime Minister who has a good heart like yourself. We are always catered for when we go to cultural events like Buganu, so we request that you appoint a Prime Minister who will have this spirit towards your people,”

At 12:40 PM, Acting Governor at Ludzidzini Mashampu Khumalo requested the public to move on from the topic of the election of the Prime Minister.

“It is time that we focus on the issue of political stability and economic development as they go hand in hand,” said Khumalo before opening the floor to the public once again.