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… As Emaswati continue to advise His Majesty


MBABANE – Emaswati continue to raise all kinds of interconnected issues as they advise His Majesty King Mswati III at the Sibaya people’s parliament.

Issues which were raised today included relations with our neighboring countries, borders, Tinkhundla system of governance, peace, and the constitution.

Nomkhosi Sithole from Mtsambama advised the King to appoint a Prime Minister who will ensure that the basics which enable the poorest to participate in commerce are met. She also advised His Majesty to elect a Prime Minister who will visit rural areas to help keep community leaders accountable.

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Sabelo Mtsetfwa from Mpolonjeni also advised the King to appoint a Prime Minister who will be proactive.

“We need a Prime Minister who will be proactive on issues like climate change, for example. We are already experiencing irregular climate which negatively affects our production due to drought. We understand that dams are expensive to build, so we request Government to look into digging boreholes for farmers and renting unused farms on a profit-share basis,” said Mtsetfwa.

He also went on to advise His Majesty the King to give Regional Administrators the power to intervene in chiefdoms where there is no chief who ascends to the role, as the absence of a chief delays development.

Raymond Dlamini who is a Member of Parliament from Ntfonjeni advised His majesty on a number of issues.

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“We advise His Majesty to appoint a Prime who respects the country, and works for Emaswati by following the country’s constitution,” he started off his submission.

“Another way to help create jobs is to have a Prime Minister who can observe what 24/hour operations can be imported to Eswatini from other countries, to give more opportunities for jobs,” said the MP.

He also advised that there should be a program that brings SiSwati culture to schools as young people are learning about their culture only in High School, when it is too late. His sentiments were echoed by another member of the public who suggested that the country’s constitution be taught to children as early as primary schools.

Nhlanhla Masango from Madlangempisi also advised His Majesty to appoint a Prime Minister who loves the people and loves God. He also went on to speak on education as well.

“May we please have a way to regulate high school fees Your Majesty,” he said.

“In addition, Your Majesty, I would like to encourage you to appoint a female Deputy Prime Minister, so as to balance the ship, Your Majesty,” concluded Masango..

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Khethukuthula Methula from Kubuta advised His Majesty to appoint a Prime Minister who will speed up the process of understanding what the issues of an elected Prime Minister are. He said that his advice was based on the fact that this was one of the issues which was bundled into the topics that were raised during the social unrest in 2021.

Sicelosikhulu from Mdumezulu also spoke on the social unrest.

“As I have been listening here, no one has admitted to taking up matches and burning things during the unrest. There is also no one who has accused His Majesty of killing Emaswati as they did on social media so much,” said Mdumezulu.

“I would also like for there to be accountability for the people who accused His Majesty of fleeing the country on SABC is broad daylight. We need accountability from SABC here,” added Sicelosikhulu to a positive response from the public.

The submissions from Siabaya day four show that the people indeed heeded His Majesty’s call to raise all issues which are close to their hearts when he initiated Sibaya on Monday.

Sibaya people’s parliament continues.