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… As 22 Emaswati make submissions


LUDZIDZINI – The public seems to have raised pretty much all issues of interest to the nation at the SIbaya People’s parliament.

This was evident during the 5th day of Sibaya People’s Parliament at the Ludzidzini Royal Kraal, where all 22 members of the public who were randomly selected to make submissions seemed to be reiterating on issues which had already been raised in the previous days.

Issues which were once again discussed by Emaswati making submissions included health, education, the economy, employment, and the Tinkhundla system of Governance.

Banele Dlamini from Nhlambeni advised His Majesty’s government to be proactive in preparing El Nino,, which is expected to cause droughts in the country.

“The second thing I would like to discuss is the issue of standardization of children’s school fees. We are requesting, Your Majesty, that the Ministry of Education should make sure that schools are not charging problematic fees, such that fees in Manzini are drastically different to school fees in Mbabane,” added Dlamini.

Qondile Ndlela from Mdzimba was most aprreciative to get the opportunity to address the nation and Their Majesties at Sibaya. She advised Their Majesties to work on curbing corruption, as it is now permeating in the royal residences as well, which should be the ideal structures of how Emaswati should live.

Mathokoza Kunene represented the people of Macudvulwini and made a submission on Governance and service delivery, which have been a recurring issue in the past few days of Sibaya submissions.

“Your Majesty, I would like to make an example of Government as a motor vehicle machine. The machine works in concert from the battery to the exhaust. When one part is out of commission, the whole machine is affected. I believe that what the Government machinery needs a lot of right is discipline,” said Kunene.

He went on to explain that the leaders in different government positions should be highly disciplined to make sure that the service delivery everyone speaks about reaches the people.

“Another part of the machinery that can be improved is research. If we do not embrace research, we will keep using updated systems,” he added, encouraging Government to embrace first-world status research-based transformation.

The public continued to reiterate on the most important topics before the panelists for the day were called up to take the stage to discuss specific topics as moderated by Ludzidzini Acting Governor, Mashampu Khumalo.

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