WhatsApp Image 2022 01 19 at 10.58.48 PM edited


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Gogo Ntfombitonkhe Bhembe started the new year on a very high note as Scalisa Foundation and Eswatini Bank handed over the house they’ve been building for her at her homestead in Matsetsa.

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An official opening of the outhouse which was built additionally to the main house in Matsetsa.

The handover ceremony was held at the Bhembe homestead in Matsetsa. It was attended by the community representative, the member of parliament under the constituency, the regional administrator, the Bhembe family, and the two sponsoring organisations: Eswatini Bank and Sicalisa Foundation.

Speaking on behalf of the Foundation during the ceremony, the founder, Tony S. Sibandze said “I would like to commend Eswatini Bank, the bank with a heart for their generous contribution towards the success of the project we are here to present. I am very proud of the partnership we have made to assist Gogo Bhembe receive her beautiful home today. I would like to congratulate her on her receipt of this precious gift, To God be the Glory”.

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Gogo Bhembe posing next to her house with her benefactors.

This was the ninth house the foundation has built with the support of sponsors such as the main sponsor for the Matsetsa House – Eswatini Bank. The foundation has previously donated houses to other homesteads who needed them in the Lubombo as well as other regions in the country.

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The elderly receiving food packages during the handover.

Not only did Gogo Bhembe benefit from the handover of the house, but other elderly people from the community were also supported with food parcels. Speaking to the community, Sibandze said “I would like to thank all our sponsors, those who donated towards this project, in-kind and with their time; and encourage individuals and organisations to join hands with us as we continue with our work and as we grow. Partnerships are crucial for success in society, and this is reiterated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in SDG number 17 which is “PARTNERSHIP FOR GOALS”.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is a success. I would like to emphasize that this project would not have been possible without the assistance of Umphakatsi, neighbors, and the whole community of Matsetsa. Thank you for allowing us to assist where we can. We hope for future support in our future projects.”

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The house which was donated to Gogo Bhembe by Sicalisa Foundation and Eswatini Bank

Such communal support which comes about from the collaboration of the private and public sectors working with community members on the ground is highly encouraging as we reestablish our values for the year we’ve just started. Follow Scalisa Foundation’s website for more information.