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Minister ‘Buy Cash’ encourages the use of renewable energy.


MBABANE- Acting Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Jabulani ‘Buy Cash’ Mabuza has knowledge on how to save from electricity bills.

This was shown yesterday when he urged water users to seek alternative sources of powerful supply of water pumping, such as solar energy.

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Minister Jabulani Mabuza and water stakeholders pose for a group photo during the official opening of Emandla Ekuphila Water District offices at Sihhoye.

The minister was speaking during the official opening of offices for Emandla Ekuphila Water User District at Sihhoye, in the Hhohho Region.

Emandla Ekuphila is a water management institution established in 2014, operating under the Lower Komati River Basin whose mandate is to operate and maintain water works within the Komati River sub catchment. The Water User District also advocates for water conservation, water demand management and the protection of water abstraction infrastructure.

“I have been told of some of the challenges faced by Emandla Ekuphila in their operations and service to the farmers. One particular challenge that has been mentioned to the ministry are the huge electricity bills experienced by the farmers during the dry seasons due to the elongated hours of pumping water for irrigation purposes. The huge bills then significantly reduce dividends, thus negatively impacting the farmers’ profits and livelihoods,” said Mabuza.

The acting minister said he noticed the enthusiasm and visionary leadership that is available within Emandla Ekuphila, saying the ministry remained hopeful that strategies and approaches to improve the farming operations and reduce the business overhead expenses would be identified and implemented gradually to maintain and sustain a flourishing agriculture belt within your area of operation.

Anne Kruger, Emandla Ekuphila District Manager, leading the Minister as he tours their offices.

“Worthy to note are the monetary contributions made by the Water Users themselves who have been able to partner with the Government of Eswatini to build and complete this prestigious structure. The ministry greatly commends the water users, the Emandla Ekuphila Water User District and the Board of Directors for taking a positive step to invest in the future and sustainability of the institution” he said.

National Water Authority (NWA) Chairperson Dumsani Mngomezulu said the NWA was very excited about the work done by Irrigation Districts including Emandla Ekuphila for being functional within their area of operation and also taking in great strides in investing to sustain their operations.

“Water districts have shown great success in the decentralization of water resources management and lessons can be drawn from them to emulate in the other basin institutions.”

Lutsango performs during the official opening of Emandla Ekuphila Water District offices at Sihhoye.