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……. Company creates more job opportunities for Emaswati


MBABANE – Sikanye Logistics officially launched operations today as a premier transportation company.

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With the aim of offering safe, reliable, and efficient services, Sikanye Logistics is poised to excel in a highly competitive market while simultaneously generating a multitude of exciting job opportunities.

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Nathi Gule, the Moderator of the event, explained that with a fleet comprising specialized tanker trucks, Sikanye Logistics will ensure that fuel and chemicals are transported securely, minimizing the risks associated with transportation and safeguarding the environment.

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Sikanye Logistics Director, Bongani Mamba.

Speaking during the launch at Hilton Garden Hotel this morning, Director of Sikanye Logistics Bongani Mamba, expressed his excitement about the future prospects of the company.

“We are entering the market with a vision to transform the fuel and chemical transportation industry,” he stated.

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He said the focus is to provide safe and reliable services that exceed clients’ expectations. He said the company is committed to creating job opportunities and contributing to the economic growth of Eswatini.

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Mamba stated that Sikanye Logistics is determined to make a lasting impact on the fuel and chemical transportation industry, delivering exceptional value to its clients while creating employment opportunities that will undoubtedly contribute to the socio-economic development of the region.

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