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…actors and actresses from South Africa spotted


MALKERNS– One of fun activities by the MTN Bushfire hosts was marking the roll call, whereupon they call out different country’s names to see how many are gathered at the festival.

When MC Phiwo Dlamini started this trend on Friday, everyone loved it and day two of the trend revealed that there were over 2000 South Africans in the arena.

There were defining screams and claps when Dlamini asked: “Is South Africa in the building, can I hear them scream,” she said.

This was received well as other countries like Mozambique, Lesotho, Botswana, Germany, Netherlands and the like screamed when their country was called up.

Random interviews revealed that people travelled from miles and miles away to witness the event.

“I’m from Kenya, so I’m happy I’m here. The plan was to meet up with my friends from Mozambique,” said Quen Morris.

Another camping traveler said he was from South Africa and came into the country on Thursday.

“I’m enjoying my stay so far and I’m happy to have witnessed other natives and interacted with the crowd,” said Pheshu Vhongwani.

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Meanwhile, there were South African actors and personalities that were spotted during the second and first days of the MTN Bushfire. These included Gamora Actor Moshendiki, Telenovela star Oros Mphofu and Real Housewives of Joburg Marci and Madam.