MARLKENS – “We believe that children are the future.”
These were the words of Stefanutti Stocks Managing Director (MD) when presenting 290 school shoes to the underpriveledged children of Moya Centre in Marlkens yesterday.
The Moya Centre is an organization which aims to strengthen the future of Swaziland through the nurture of children by assisting with educational and psychosocial support programmes for orphaned and vulnerable children. Founded in 1999, the Moya Centre has transformed and evolved through creating appropriate responses to community needs.

“There is a great need in this place, and that’s why we saw it fit to lend our support in donating the shoes so that children are able to conducively go schools. We believe that children are the future so it is important that they go to school to get a proper education as the future leaders of the country,” remarked Stafunutti MD.
She noted that this is not the first time that the company has supported the community, as they donated blankets to the Moya Trust. She added that they support the community because they note that there a lot of informal settlements in the area and the parents struggle to support their children. Moya Centre Director Nomcebo Makhubu expressed appreciation on behalf of the school. “We are grateful. Using the evaluations we normally use, we hope that the children who will benefit from this are the ones who need them the most. We usually say that for a child to develop, a child must be educated – which is not easy when the child’s needs aren’t met”, Makhubu remarked.