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MBABANE – During this time, when we prepare for National elections, we hear a lot of stories of people who commit ritual murders believing it will help them be elected into Parliament. Some believe if they kill people with albinism, they will have good luck. This is not true. Stop ritual murders, because you are also adding to the burden that the Correctional Services already faces ”

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These sentiments were said by His Majesty King Mswati III yesterday. His Majesty was speaking during the 15th Correctional Services Day and Pass Out Parade held under the theme: Ensuring a corrections dispensation responsive to inherent emerging socio-security challenges.

His Majesty has further commended the Correctional Services for contributing “significantly to reducing crime rates in the country, and for maintaining low escape rates, urging them to strengthen their rehabilitation programme so that offenders do not relapse.

Worth mentioning is that 372 recruits have passed out today and the King commended the Correctional Services for contributing significantly to reducing crime rates in the country.

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He said he is equally impressed with the fact that the army has a low escape rate and this he said showed that they are always vigilant and alert. The King said the Nation is pleased with the status quo.

“Your mandate is to ensure every offender finishes his or her sentence before going home after undergoing your extensive rehabilitation programmes. You must ensure these offenders are law-abiding and productive citizens upon release and will live in harmony with their families and communities,”

“We encourage the Correctional Services to intensify their rehabilitation and social re-integration interventions in correcting the social behaviour that is showing its ugly head in the country. We need to address this cancer because it affects the core fabric of our society. We must live in harmony with each other,” said the King.

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MBABANE – His Majesty King Mswati III has urged the Correctional Services to fully rehabilitate offenders to reduce chances of them relapsing.

The King was speaking at the Correctional Services Pass Out day yesterday.

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“The violence against women and children is a cause for concern. We implore the Correctional Services to fully rehabilitate such offenders to reduce the chances of them relapsing into the same behaviour of crime and this goes well with today’s theme,” said the King.

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His Majesty said rehabilitation of offenders is a societal responsibility where, as a Nation, they expect the Correctional Services to work hand in hand with the society in ensuring that recidivism is eradicated completely.

“This process will ensure the safety of the public from criminal elements and also give an opportunity to offenders to build their characters and correct their criminal behaviour to regain the trust of their communities.Given that offenders are an integral part of our society they will return to their respective communities after completing their sentences,” he said.

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In addition to that he said it is in this vein that offenders were also allowed to register for the national elections so that they can exercise their democratic right to vote for their preferred candidates to represent them in Parliament.

“The Nation notes and commend these officers for their selfless contribution and patriotic service whenever they are called upon to provide services as part of the security cluster in the country. We are also impressed with the commitment and dedication they always show when assigned to national duties. Your contribution in maintaining peace and stability in the country is appreciated,” said His Majesty.

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HMK: “Professionalism and integrity are the virtues of a good officer which must be maintained at all times to improve the image of the department and the public perception about your work.”

His Majesty has also promoted Phindile Glory Sibandze and Ephraim Tfwala to the positions of Deputy Commissioner Generals.