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MBABANE-The Eswatini Communications Commission (ESCCOM) has presented seven laptops to students living with special needs.

The laptops have been loaded with softwares that will assist the students as they continue with their tertiary education.

It is worth mentioning that students are now following the multi-mode approach to education where they will access the online learning platform over and above the content covered in class.

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These are students who were supported by the commission with assisting devices while they were in high school and are now enrolled in different institutions of higher learning.

On April 12, 2023, this publication reported that the Minister of Education & Training, Lady Howard-Mabuza, officially launched the Eswatini Learning Passport Platform which is a Learning Management System for emaSwati learners.

The development of the project was done in partnership with ESCCOM and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to accelerate and improve access to quality education and learning for every child and young person whether in schools, homes, or hard-to-reach areas.

UNICEF Country Representative Amina Mohammed said they were making calls for participation for the success of the platform. “Let us make calls on all partners to support availability and access gadgets for the Learning Passport to be effective and accessible to all children including those with special needs,” said Mohammad.