MBABANE – “The sugar industry plays a critical role in the overall Eswatini economy through direct and indirect employment.”
These were the words of Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture Sydney Simelane when speaking at the Smallholder Sugarcane Growers’ (SSG) Competition yesterday. The competition was held at Phumlacashi Community Training Centre in Siphofaneni which has a high number of SSG’s, some of which are supported under the government’s irrigation projects in the region.

“This is why the government has invested significantly in institutions like #EWADE to deliver on the mandate to intensify and commercialize agriculture for the smallholder sector,” said Simelane.

“So far the results are there for all to see since the inception of the Komati Downstream Development Project (KDDP) which was followed by the Lower Usutu Smallholder Irrigation Project (LUSIP). These projects are a testament to the government’s drive to agricultural and rural development,” added the Principal Secretary Sydney Simelane.