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MBABANE– “This is our calling. We will not rest!”

These words were said by SWAGAA’s Executive Director Nonhlanhla Dlamini when addressing emaSwati about their plan on sensitizing the issues on anger management.

SWAGAA stands for Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse and is a non-governmental organization that has been there for 20 years.

“This is our calling and we will not rest until the violence ends. Our job is challenging but we are committed to see violence end in every way possible. Our objective is to use organizations like churches and chiefs in communities to give us a platform and work with us to sensitize people on anger management.

“It is a real issue and there is a high rate of gender-based violence cases which is caused by not knowing how to manage anger,” said Dlamini.

Dlamini further mentioned that a lot of people now carried or used weapons everywhere they went.

“No one is safe now. People are walking around carrying weapons either registered or unregistered and bush knives.

“I have witnessed people coming out of their vehicles during road rages carrying weapons. This just makes one wonder why people keep weapons in their cars in the first place,” said the Executive Director.

Dlamini further advised people to be in touch with their feelings.

“I advise people to be in touch with their feelings and emotions. You will get angry time from time. In times like these, do something that will distract you and let you cool down.

“This could be done in the form of doing house chores or just taking a walk which helps to clear your mind of negative thoughts,” said Dlamini.