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Swaziland Empowerment Limited (SEL) has proven that it cares about the country’s youth, education, the environment, the elderly, as well as infrastructure development beyond profit. The SEL committed to these values with a donation of E600,000 to 7 different organisations in the country.

Speaking on behalf of SEL at the presentation of the checks was SEL Chairperson Jethro Ndlangamandla.
“We have a sum of about exactly E600,000 that we’re going to distribute today the organisations that we;ve identidied. Today we have Young Heros – we’re going to donate E170k today,” revealed Ndlangamandla.

SEL also donated E170,000 to Eswatini Breast and Cervix Cancer, E90,000 to Ezulwini Community School which is earmarked towards painting the school. Yibutse Green Action was gifted with E40,000 earmarked for cleanup campaigns in the country.

Ndlangamandla also revealed that E50,000 is being donated to the Rotary Club which is earmarked for helping the elderly with food. He also announced the Ngculwini Youth Project will receive E30,000 “towards purchase of welding equipment so that they can be able to fend for themselves and make employment for themselves.”

The final donation was made to Mawelawela Correctional Facilities, and has been earmarked to help women who are mothers in prison.