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MBABANE – The government of the Republic of China in Taiwan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with two government hospitals in the Kingdom of Eswatini.

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The MOU, aimed at enhancing maternal and infant healthcare, was formally signed by Deputy Chief Nursing Officer Phetsile Dlamini on behalf of the Ministry of Health in Eswatini and Dr. Wei-Jen Yao, President of Chia-Yi Christian Hospital in Taiwan.

The agreement, signed between the Mankayane Government Hospital and Hlathikhulu Government Hospital in Eswatini and Chia-Yi Christian Hospital in Taiwan, marks a significant step towards improving accessibility to crucial healthcare services across the nation. The partnership is expected to strengthen maternal and infant healthcare services, addressing key challenges and ensuring a healthier future for mothers and children in Eswatini.

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Expressing gratitude for the collaboration, Phetsile Dlamini stated, “On behalf of the Ministry of Health, we would like to extend our appreciation to Chia-Yi Hospital for this development. I extended the request that they should help us even beyond phase 2, and our prayers were heard. Here now, we are signing the MOU.”

Dr. Wei-Jen Yao, representing the Republic of China in Taiwan, emphasized their commitment to supporting clinical service teaching and research, not only in the field of maternal and children’s healthcare but also in other areas such as chronic diseases. He highlighted the comprehensive nature of the collaboration, indicating a broader scope of support beyond maternal and infant healthcare.

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The signed MOU is an extension of phase two of the Maternal and Infant Healthcare Improvement Project in the Kingdom of Eswatini, demonstrating the long-term commitment of both parties to enhancing healthcare outcomes for the nation’s citizens. As the partnership unfolds, it is anticipated that the collaborative efforts will pave the way for sustainable improvements in the healthcare sector, positively impacting the lives of mothers and infants in Eswatini.