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MBABANE – Deputy Prime Minister Themba Masuku says Taiwan has significantly contributed in enabling Eswatini to almost achieve energy efficiency through the rural electrification programme that has seen even the remotest parts of the country accessing electricity.

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When delivering his statement before President Tsai Ing-weny on Tuesday, Masuku stated that, to date, about 85 percent of Eswatini population has access to electricity which includes even the remote rural areas that are seeing the benefits of the rural electrification programme.  He said this achievement is among the highest in the african region.

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Masuku is currently on official visit to the Republic of China (Taiwan).

According to Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC), there are several ongoing projects that are geared to improve Eswatini’s citizens access to electricity. The company has stated that the current access rate stands at 82 percent and that Eswatini is ranked number three (3) in the Southern African region on this measure.

EEC states that ongoing projects under the rural electrification project stand to benefit about 18 000 homesteads, which will further increase our access rate.

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Masuku told the President that the rural electrification programme in Eswatini would not have been possible without Tawain’s committed support.

“In addition to this project Madam President, your government has provided support towards the construction of a state of the art hospital which is fully equipped with medical equipment of the highest standard. This project has provided much needed relief to address the ever increasing requirement for efficient health services,” he said.

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He continued; “this new facility has largely contributed to easing congestion in our health centres, especially in the capital city, Mbabane. We would not have achieved this significant milestone without your support. Your government madam president has also provided support to the kingdom of Eswatini with personal protective equipment and medical materials at the height of the covid-19 pandemic. Through this extraordinary effort, thousands of lives of our citizens were spared from being decimated by the covid-19 pandemic. The assistance you provided is unprecedented and we are truly grateful for your kind gesture,”

Masuku further stated that Eswatini is still faced with challenges of food insecurity due to the ever changing weather patterns as a result of climate change.

“What was hoped to be a bumper harvest this season turned out to be a season of crop losses due to heavy rains. Climate change continues to pose increased danger to achieving food security in the country,” he said.

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Masuku said Eswatini was counting on Taiwan’s continued support to mitigate the effects of climate change through improved and resilient crop production that will withstand all the dangers posed by the climate change phenomenon. He said it is important that the countries explore means of disaster preparedness to mitigate the devastating effects brought about by climate change.

“We congratulate Taiwan for successfully managing the COVID-19 pandemic and providing lessons for the world to learn from. Let me also congratulate Taiwan for adapting to much more deadly natural hazards such as typhoons that not only threaten human life but also infrastructure. There is no doubt that Taiwan has more to offer to the world hence Eswatini will continue always to advocate for Taiwan’s inclusion in the united nations system, world forums and other global organizations,” he said.

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Masuku further stated that government and the people of Taiwan have consistently supported the people of the kingdom of Eswatini to improve disaster preparedness and mitigation.

He said this has been achieved through the provision of food relief to the most vulnerable populations which include the elderly, child headed households, people living with disabilities, the chronically ill as well as those battling to recover from unemployment caused by the covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, President Tsai noted that in March this year Taiwan and Eswatini signed a protocol which will facilitate closer collaboration in such areas as economics and trade, agriculture, education, and medicine. The president also stated that Taiwan will continue to work with Eswatini and all our international partners to bolster cooperation, mutually beneficial assistance, and shared prosperity.