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… Both leaders witness joint declaration


MBABANE– Eswatini’s partnership with The Republic of China (Taiwan) has strengthened!

Proof to this are today’s reports by Taiwan Today which stated that Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen held bilateral talks with His Majesty King Mswati III of Eswatini and witnessed the signing of a joint declaration October 21, at the Presidential Office in Taipei City, spotlighting the government’s commitment to deepening the partnership.
According to Taiwan Today, President Ing-wen said Taiwan and Eswatini have cooperated extensively in both the public and private sectors and yielding strong results in areas like agriculture, investment, medicine, trade and public health.

“Eswatini is also a key stakeholder in the Africa Project launched in 2018, which aims to further Taiwan’s relationship with the African continent. Taiwan deeply values its friendship with the long-standing ally,” said the President.

The online publication revealed that the President cited her visit to Eswatini in 2018 and her discussion with Her Majesty the Queen Mother Ntombi on projects to increase women’s job opportunities.
“Tsai thanked Eswatini for supporting Taiwan’s international participation in global bodies such as the World Health Assembly and the International Civil Aviation Organization and King Mswati III’s backing for Taiwan during this year’s U.N. General Assembly is deeply appreciated,” read Taiwan Today.
In response, the Eswatini Head of State thanked Taiwan for its assistance in medication provision, hospital renovation, youth entrepreneurship and innovation.

“The two countries’ 2018 to 2022 cooperation agreement has helped Eswatini make strides in the areas of rural electrification, agriculture, water and sanitation facilities in rural communities support for small-holder dairy producers and cancer diagnosis and treatment,” said the King.
According to His Majesty, Taiwan’s support for the kingdom’s economic recovery, especially in mineral deposits discovery and investment in national events and cultural ceremonies were sincerely appreciated.

According to Taiwan Today, the King went on to invite Taiwan businesses and entrepreneurs to invest in and partner with Eswatini and congratulated Taiwan’s people on the recent national day celebrations.
Following the talks, Tsai and King Mswati III jointly witnessed the signing of a joint declaration that was inked by Taiwan Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu and Eswatini Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Thulisile Dladla. The declaration involved deepening bilateral cooperation in areas such as international participation, trade and investment.

After the signing ceremony, Tsai hosted a state luncheon at the Presidential Office and expressed her anticipation of more exchanges between the young people of the two sides.