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MBABANE – The Republic of China (Taiwan) is still looking for Emaswati who can go and teach English Language in the Asian island.

The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Eswatini posted yesterday (April 7, 2024) on its Facebook page, calling upon Emaswati who are proficient in English Language to apply and become teachers of the language.

The Taiwan Government promises lucrative salaries based on education background and positions to people who will apply and be employed as English teachers. Benefits include flight reimbursement, housing reimbursement, performance bonuses, overtime pay, and insurance.

Taiwan is ranked among the most comfortable countries to live in by global institutions. This accolade can come as an advantage to aspiring English teachers in that country, as it can mean the professionals can live in an environment conducive for them to be productive. The application is strictly online.

The aspiring English teachers should possess a bachelor’s degree from an educational institution recognized in Taiwan. Information on which educational institution is recognized can be accessed on the website of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, which is https://tfetp.epa.ntnu.edu.tw. This is where more information on the application can also be accessed for guidance.

The Ministry of Education of Taiwan recognizes many educational institutions from different continents of the world. This means the opportunity is not only open for Emaswati, but for many people from different parts of the world, as well. There are 12 Eswatini educational institutions recognized by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education.

These institutions include the University of Eswatini (UNESWA), Southern Africa Nazarene University (SANU), Eswatini Medical Christian University (EMCU), Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT), Botho University Eswatini, AMADI University College, Ngwane Teacher Training College, Eswatini College of Technology (ECOT), Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI), William Pitcher College, African Christian College, and Institute for Development Management (IDM).

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