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MBABANE– The Nation has thanked Their Majesties for a bigger and better National Prayer over the Easter long weekend.

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Pastors and members of  the public praised His Majesty King Mswati III for hosting and leading a bigger service. 

Deacon Mthunzi Madlazi, who is also President of Manzini Pastors, said they were happy and impressed with the numbers this year. 

“The numbers were bigger this year, people came out and fellow pastors came out too and it was a beautiful event,” said Madlazi.

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Worth noting is that the Theme for this year’s prayer was ‘Let us go back to the Lord, He will heal our land’ and the  Prayer items included, arresting the spread of COVID-19, national healing and  restoration from the Lord and bringing peace oneness and prosperity to the Kingdom of Eswatini in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Another member of the public who attended the prayer service on Friday said they were very happy with the event and its success. 

“Everything went according to plan and we would love to thank Their  Majesties for joining us in prayer and further praying for us.”

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Echoing these sentiments group of Zionist who had also conveyed to the National Prayer in Lobamba said the ambience and magnitude of the event was bigger. Bishop Mandla Sikhosana said they were looking forward to next Easter holidays. 

“Kuba kuhle nasihlangana ngekukholwa nemakhosi,”, this can be loosely translated to “ It is always a beautiful pleasure to come together with the royalty in prayer.” 

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Meanwhile, the talk of the town was His Majesty’s sermon, where he said the blood of Jesus can silence guns. His Majesty King Mswati III said there is no need for other powers other than the blood of Jesus Christ as it also silences guns.

This, he said, during his 30-minute sermon, which started just after 3.40pm. He appreciated that the congregants had gathered at the stadium as this depicted the importance of the day. 

He said the anniversary of the death of Christ was unlike others, which were one day events.

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He said the Easter celebrations indeed were a season for forgiveness and a time for restoration and revival. The King said it was a symbol that Jesus Christ conquered death and also revealed that He was a unique being. This, he said, was because He was crucified and later taken to the tomb, which was sealed with a boulder. The King said those who did this were oblivious to the fact that Jesus Christ was unique and was feared by all demons.