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Climate change Featured on slider


MBABANE- The world is currently dealing with the global issue of climate change, which has a severe impact on our livelihood.

To address the challenge, the Ministry of Agriculture met with different stakeholders to address the impact of climate change on the agriculture sector.

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The meeting was held at the Royal Villas today. The Ministry of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and the Environmental Authority, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Eswatini, and the National Authority, met to discuss the urgent issue affecting the world.

The ministry marked a crucial step forward by addressing the impact of climate change on agriculture in the kingdom. A series of in-depth reports will focus on key agricultural value chains, which are beans, beef, goat meat, maize, and baby vegetables.

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The assessments will reveal how climate change is affecting the value chains and outline current mitigation and adaptation measures. The study further proposes innovative technologies, assets, infrastructure, and interventions to help enhance resilience within the industry. The reports also discuss barriers, social considerations, and environmental impacts associated with these proposed measures.

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns. Such shifts can be unnatural due to changes in the sun’s activity. Some of the causes of climate change include generating power. Generating electricity and heat by burning fossil fuels, causes a large chunk of global emissions.

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Climate change can cause erosion, a decline in organic matter, soil biodiversity, landslides, and flooding. It can also impact human health by worsening air and water quality, which can increase the spread of certain diseases. The effects of climate change include hotter temperatures, more severe storms, and increased drought. A warm, rising ocean. loss of species, more health risks, poverty, and displacement, among other things.

It is worth noting that climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. Climate change can be lessened by saving energy at home, as much electricity and heat are powered by coal, oil, and gas. Changing sources of energy, and recycling among others.