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… As multiple countries represented in elections observers


MBABANE – The world is watching with a keen and supportive eye as Eswatini casts the final ballot today.

This follows that dozens of countries have been represented as part of observer organisations for Eswatini’s 2023 National General Elections.

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The main organisations currently in the country for the elections are the Commonwealth delegation; the SADC Electoral Observer Mission (SEOM); the SADC Electoral Commissions Forum (ECF – SADC); and the The Civil Chamber of the Russian Federation from the embassy in Maputo.
The observers were welcomed by Acting Prime Minister Chief Mgwagwa Gamedze yesterday with the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC).

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Speaking to the different observers, the Acting Prime Minister noted with appreciation that the presence of the observers in the Kingdom reflects their commitment to assist Eswatini implement best practice systems in electoral processes.

“Surely, the Kingdom believes that this type of support and the recommendations thereof will assist Eswatini to grow as a democratic state,” said the Acting Prime Minister.

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“The Kingdom of Eswatini reiterates its appreciation for all the support received thus far from all Observer Missions in the country, which also includes financial and technical support,” he added.

“We look forward to your recommendations after the completion of the 2023 General Elections. We further register our commitment to achieving a fair, free, credible and peaceful elections process,” added the Acting Prime Minister when speaking the representative bodies of over 100 countries.
Other elections observation missions on the ground today are from the European Union and the Embassy of the United States of America in Eswatini.

In a statement to Eswatini on the country’s independence day a few weeks ago on September 6, US Secretary of State Antony J Blinken had this to say on Eswatini’s democracy and the relationship between the two countries.

“We honor our progress on health, climate change adaptation, and addressing a period of unrest. This collaboration has only strengthened the relationship between the United States and Eswatini as we hope for democratic elections followed by an inclusive national dialogue. We look forward to continued engagement on both of our country’s core values for years to come,” said the US Secretary of State.

Hundreds of thousands of Emaswati cast the final ballot to determine their governance for the next half a decade. In addition to elections observers who are in the country to support the country’s peaceful elections through observing, there are a number of media houses from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa to report on the proceedings, as well as the final outcomes, of the elections.