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MBABANE– Year 2022, a kind year to rapper Oriiginelle.

“2022 has been very kind to me, I will be honest though, so many times I did not necessarily get to it and take it all in because of all I wanted to achieve in a year.”

These sentiments were uttered by local superstar and rapper Oriiginelle while she was speaking to this publication about how the year 2022 was for her.

Born Makhosazana Thwala, Oriiginelle had a beautiful year from meeting soul singer Erykah Badu and being part of Silkour’s project. She says  some milestones for her definitely had to be going above and beyond with her brand.

 “I am very proud of myself and the team for just taking branding serious because that determination was able to reward us back 10 times fold. That is the biggest milestone for me; other milestones that are dear to me have to be Luju. Being given such a huge platform and the House on Fire and Standard Bank team trusting me to be a part of the individuals who make the event better is such an honor,” she said.

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As of yesterday, the rapper is still taking in the news of having an increased number of spotify listeners. Her spotify numbers increased from a 100 to a 178 in a space of a week.

When speaking of the good news, Oriiginelle said:

“I do not have Spotify so I do not keep track of that one but I have heard the numbers are looking healthy and I am very grateful for that. I think consistency has a huge part to play in all that. And not just with regards to taking out music but being consistent with whom I am,” she said.

In addition, when explaining her 2023 plans, she said new music was on the cards and new bigger projects were coming.

“I think my word for 2023 will be ‘gratitude’ because I missed out on so many great moments due to wanting to achieve so much. I did not get to bask in my glory. 2022 was very busy but I only got through it all thanks to my team. Planning things out at the start of 2022 really did save us because in as much as we got thrown into the deep end from time to time, we had already.” She said.

In closing the award-winning rapper said planning and manifesting made her realise that nothing is too farfetched.

“If you have dreams of performing at Afro-punk, plan for it then put in the work even if it may not be working on Afro-punk but you may find that any amount of work you put in, will lead you there,” she said.