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– Senator Isaac Magagula, the former National Commissioner said the Parliament opening was ordained by God and nothing can stand between what the King has to say to his Nation.

“This is the day which the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it,” said Magagula during an interview with this publication during the fifth session of the 11th Parliament official opening held at Lobamba earlier today.

The former National Commissioner also called for the end of gun violence and asked the Nation to be calm and not kill each other.

“Today the King spoke about stopping violence let us stop that and let us be a calm nation, the burning and killing of people is really unruly and spiteful to the country,” he said.

In addition to that Magagula said the Nation really needed to focus on registering and voting for their next leaders as it was voting season this year.

He encouraged the Nation to vote for smart and honest leaders, and he also spoke against the closing of schools and burning of school properties.

“I’m surprised when people are happy and clap hands for schools closing that is wrong, education is paramount for the country we need it,” said Magagula.

Echoing his statement was Mandlangempisi Member of Parliament (MP) Sbusiso ‘Scorpion’ Nxumalo said he was happy to hear the King address matters of peace and stability in the country. Having had his house burnt last year he said hearing the King speak about burning coming to an end was really good for him and his constituency.

“I’m Happy the King addressed everything he addressed today especially the burning of properties and gun violence because that is currently the biggest problem we have in the country,” he said.