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…His Majesty preaches about resurrection and renewal.
… thanks God for for showing his presence in Eswatini renewal service


LOBAMBA – His Majesty King Mswati III has concluded the 2023 National Easter Service with a deep and powerful sermon on forgiveness and resurrection.


Below are His Majesty’s full remarks:

Your Majesty the Indlovukazi, your Majesty the King of the Zulu and your entire delegation, pastors and believers gathered here, I greet you all in the name of Jesus.

I am happy today that we are gathered here in this stadium to celebrate the death and the resurrection of Jesus. I do take this opportunity in thanking you all members of the church of Christ in coming to this celebration in honour of our Lord today.

I take this time to graciously thank and welcome your Majesty the King of the Zulu who is amongst us here today. Not long ago we were in KwaZulu for his coronation, and here today on his first visit as King, he happens to be joining our Easter services, may God bless.

I’m glad that the King could come and experience how lovely we live in this Kingdom. Since the days of King Somhlolo, as the nation of Emaswati, we have continued to uphold the message that says we must live by the word. Here we stand today, still upholding and binding ourselves to the word of the lord. For a nation to take God along themselves is a great thing indeed. We have heard the message from God through the Queen Mother, the King of the Zulus, the pastors, and the music that has been sung here today, may the Lord bless you indeed.

I have been happy to note that since his coming and receiving his bible, he did not sleep the whole night, reading and digesting the word of the world. This lightens my heart, to know that the King of the Zulus abides by, and eats the scroll.

Beloved, today we are gatherd in this stadium on the death and resurrection of Jesus. The death and resurrection of Jesus is a great occasion for all of us in the world. What makes me happy is to note that the death and resurrection of Christ is celebrated in a very unique way across the world. The norm is that only one day is dedicated to celebrate the anniversary of any human being. But because in Christ things must be different, it is indeed different.

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ represents the change of a season. This is why the event is celebrated over many days, because a unique and special person is being celebrated. Not many people have died and resurrected. You can go to his tomb, he rose from the dead.

Easters, beloved, is a time of forgiveness, where we offer forgivenss as well. It is also a time of restoration and revival. This is a sure sign that Jesus conquered death, which shows that Jesus is a unique being. They crucified him on the cross and took him to lay him on the tomb.

The word tells us that after they had killed Jesus Christ, they brought a huge stone which they were sure would not move. They did not know that anoyher type of man was within the tombs, a man that is feared by all demons. If you walk with this man Jesus Christ, you are with a mighty man indeed. I am happy when I see Emaswati strong in the Lord. When I speak of a change of season, we have seen the demonstration right here. As we were praying, the rain came back, and that is a sign that God is among us in this stadium right here to bless us. Before long, as I looked into the sky, I saw a rainbow. When we receive such messages, it is confidence to the Kingdom of Eswatini because the word of God says as they locked Jesus in to the tomb, they thought nothing would happen if him. But, in their expectations, they were shocked because the word of the Lord tells us that he rose from the dead. Before he rose, the stone was moved. There were soldiers who were guarding the tomb 24/7 to make sure that no one would open it – they couldn’t even blink because no mistake would be entertained. But with the amazing power of God, he opens what has been closed, and no one closes once he opens. The bible says that the tomb was opened, and the guards were surprised because they saw no man. It is easy to report if you see people moving a stone. But as they watched, they saw the stone moving by itself, because God always stands against difficult situations. Jesus is God, and he is also Jesus the son, and the holy spirit. He stands for the trinity, which means that things that happen in him, do not to the normal person. The bible says that as the soldiers went to report that they had seen a problem. “As we were awake and guarding the tomb, we saw the stone rolling away. As we were amazed, we saw Jesus resurrect. The bible says that those who had locked Jesus in the tomb were so humiliated that they went and bribed them to keep silent about what they had seen. However, in Jesus Christ there is no silence, all things are in the light because where Christ is there is light.

What makes me happy is that they bribed them to lie and say that the apostles had stolen Christ bwcausw they did not want the shame of how something like this could happen. The death of Christ was not the first I their lives, it was normal to crucify people. The put jesus in that category of people. What they did not know was that he had prophesied that he would rise on the third day – it is nice to hear these words beloved, If you hear that Jesus rose from the dead and conquered the tomb. All those that were closing him off, doing harm to him, and thought that they had finished him off, were disappointed that day. This means that even for us here on earth, when it is important that Jesus resurrects in our hearts and our spirits, because by the holy spirit, miracles will happen, similar to the miracles that happened at the tomb. The tomb was opened, not because of natural circumstances, but the holy spirit came down to open. We need the holy spirit today. If people desire the holy spirit, they desire something truly powerful for their lives. People like tricky things, as some pastors have said that some collect things from far away so that they may cause fear in people when they stand up and talk. The power of God and the holy spirit does not need all that. A person that walks with the holy spirit is blessed indeed. This means if you walk with the holy spirit, Jesus is resurrected in your heart – because it is possible to shout about him to fit into a situation, like pleasing the pastor, our parents or some other people in church, when there is no resurrection of Jesus in your heart. If Jesus has not resurrected in you, then there is no holy spirit in your life. The holy spirit means you must seek for Jesus and if you are seeking for him, be desperate for him, like Mary of Magdalene, John and Peter, as when they heard that Jesus was dead, they went into the tomb to confirm if he had really risen. It is important as a person to be bothered by whether he has risen in your heart when we speak of Jesus. Those that were asking if he has risen from the tomb were asking if he had risen in their hearts indeed. This means that they were teaching me and you to ask ourselves if he is resurrected in our hearts. Everything that we do, let us not make it into a talk show or to fit in, let it be deep in our hearts because they were sincere in searching for Jesus.

Miracles happen when we find Jesus, mighty miracles. So, as Emaswati, we will get a blessing. Everything we have to do, let us search in our hearts to determine what the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ means in our lives. Has he resurrected in your life? Has he resurrected in the country? Has Jesus resurrected in our homes? Has Jesus resurrected in our workplaces? Has Jesus resurrected everywhere we are? Has he resurrected in this stadium?


We must praise, worship, and show our gratitude to God. We must thank him for everything, because his resurrection makes everything happen. He protects us, the nation, our health, and he strengthens the nation. He ensures that our nation has a future, and all we need is for Jesus to resurrect in our hearts. Let us give praise to show that Jesus has resurrected in this stadium, for he has shown that he is here. We must praise him, and thank him for his love, his mercy, his grace, and his care for the Eswatini nation. As we are here in this stadium, we don’t know how to thank him, because the things he does daily in different times are very amazing to us. By the holy spirit and his power, when it comes to the country, even when they swear that they have finished us off, as long as the same holy spirit which was left by Somhlolo is here and we do not stray from “Hallelujah”, nothing will defeat us. Whatever problems or situations we may face, if you hold on to the King Jesus Christ, nothing will happen to your life. Every person in the stadium must give themselves a chance to hold on to Jesus. If you hold on to Jesus, do not movs from him, for if you move from him, you bring yourself curses. However, if you stay with Jesus, you gain eternal protection. There is no higher protection than that which comes from heaven. It is nice to walk knowing you are walking with Jesus.

Jesus has walked with us, he has not left us behind. He was with us through COVID, he did not leave us behind. In all difficulty, Jesus has been with us. How can we forget him? What words can we use to thank him, to show that we are grateful for everything he has done for us. He has shown his great power in us, which is why in Eswatini we are strengthening. What we can do is humble ourselves before him, and say we will never leave Jesus, no matter what storms, situations we may face. Let us all shout that, no matter the situations, we will not leave him, he will always remain our King in Eswatini. He will rule over us. We invite him today to come and bless every LiSwati. As each and every one of us leaves the stadium, no matter how we were feeling before, may we leave transformed because we will be walking with Jesus. He showed himself today, when you looked into the sky you could see him demonstrating that he is indeed among us. We will leave with him as we go home today, to bless all our homes, the entire nation, and everything in it. He will stop all bad situations in the country.

We will never leave God, and we will always put him first. The former kings saw it fit that we remain with God, and we would be making a grave mistake to depart from him.

Today is a great restoration, and we are making a renewal because the death and resurrection of Jesus is a renewal to our lives. We are reviving, where we have misstepped, we are once again making a renewal with God. You may not know as you walk the earth what your sins are, but only God in heaven knows if you are walking the righteous path. We are calling for a renewal in Eswatini. Let the renewal travel all of Eswatini. Let it travel all over KwaZulu. Let it travel all over Africa. Let it go to the whole world where there are difficulties. After COVID, a lot has happened as we have been through a difficult period, we are calling for a renewal that Jesus be there because where he is there is peace, life, joy, and disarmament. Jesus is the opener and closer of paths.

We bring everything to Jesus Christ. As Ngwane people, we are still saying today that we thank you Lord. We thank you for your grace and we thank you for your mercy. To die and resurrect for us when there is nothing we give you, it is for us today to extoll you as our hero who will stand for us everywhere through all difficult situations. It is up to us to also sacrifice ourselves to be sincere with you. We will never leave you.

We know that God will never leave us and he will bless us. We pray for what we did not mention here. God sees everything, even the hidden, for what we do not see he can see. Everyone in this stadium came with personal and spiritual afflictions – we are calling for your renewal when you leave here. Whatever was upon your life when you came here today, you will be a changed person. The country of Eswatini will be a changed place. We pray for the holy spirit in the nation, may it fill all the mountains touching all borders reaching into the unseen because the holy spirit is able.

Thank you beloved, today is a great day. The Lord showed himself in our lives. I am also leaving this place transformed. I was another person when I arrived, but after seeing the rainbow and the rain, that was a renewal to me. It signifies a declaration to the nation that miracles will happen. In siswati, the rainbow signifies prosperity. This means that even if we are doubting, it is loud and clear that prosperity in Eswatini, Africa, KwaZulu, in our homes will not be stopped by anyone no matter what.

God will bless us. Thank you beloved.

May God bless us all.