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MBABANE– Sitolotolo namakhoyane bekubhizi itolo the crowd dancing their shoes off at club 23:28.

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Co-founder and member of Spirits Indigenous, and acoustic singer Thobile “Makhoyane” Magagula yesterday performed at the 23:28 lounge on an open mic show, after a few weeks of packing the amphitheatre in the MTN Bushfire, CollaboNation, on the 16th edition of MTN Bushfire.

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Thobile Makhoyane dishing her heart out.

Magagula took the stage at 8pm where she thrilled the crowd for 45 minutes.

In fact, this was one of the club’s open mic sessions that are hosted every Wednesday.
The club has gradualy gain following for hosting hosting both local and international artists for open mic session. Just recent, the club hosted Shinely Greenz.

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Makhoyane and Khole sharing light moment.

To spice up yesterday’s show, song bird Khole Shabalala was the MC.

Thobile Magagula demonstrated a remarkable dexterity and nimbleness as she deftly handles the calabash of the makhoyane.

She strokes the wire with precision, producing a mesmerizing sequence of beats and cadences.

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Magagula sang and recited stories that vividly depicted life in the region and its diverse cultural traditions.

Her performance was both a musical and narrative experience that captures the essence of local customs and practices.
Makhoyane performed local and international songs.

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Thobile Makhoyane performing alongside Dzeli the Poet.

She performed alongside poet, Sbu J and Dzeli the Poet.

There were a lot of other artists who showed up at 23:28. Including likes of Qibho Intalektual, Dj Cup, Percy P, Khole and many others.

“The open mic sessions are always good for artists. It is a best place to network. For young and upcoming artists, it is where they test their audiences, again it where collaborations emanates, artists should not take lightly of such platforms,” said Thembinkosi Mthethwa the owner of 23:28 lounge.

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A section of the crowd watching Makhoyane.

Mthethwa further stated that it is always humbling for them as 23:28 to host such a big artist. He also thanked New Life records for organising and bringing such positive vibes at 23:28 lounge.

“I had told myself that I won’t perform this month, guess what, I got this free platform. For me it is always nice performing at home,” said Magagula. Makhoyane also told young and upcoming artists to make use of the open mic sessions in order to grow their brands, and also warned them about the shady record deals that they sometimes fall victims of.

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MC Khole Shabalala.

Watching her perform, Magagula appears wild and rebellious but at the same time, she radiates a profound dignity and grace.