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MBABANE– Mark the date, June 29, 2023 will see Eswatini host three presidents.

The heads of states will be in the country for the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) 8th Summit.

SACU is made up of five southern African countries, including Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Eswatini.

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BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – NOVEMBER 15; 2018: President of South Africa Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa is talking to media at the end of an EU – South-Africa Summit meeting on climate change, migration to trade and security, in the Europa, the EU Council headquarter on November 15, 2018. (Photo by Thierry Monasse/Getty Images)

Those expected to attend the summit include President Cyril Ramaphosa of Republic of South Africa, President Eric Mosisi of Botswana, President Hage Geingob of Namibia and Prime Minister Sam Matekane of Lesotho.

According to a press statement posted on SACU website, the summit is “Deepening integration for growth and development,” highlighting the importance of regional cooperation and integration in promoting economic growth and sustainable development.

In fact, the summit also presents an opportunity for leaders of member states to discuss and evaluate SACU’s progress in achieving economic integration.

According to SACU, the primary objective is to promote shared economic growth and development by eliminating barriers to trade and facilitating the free movement of goods and services within the region. In collaboration with the Southern African Development Community (SADC), SACU has been working towards establishing a regional customs union to improve economic conditions.

The summit will also aim to discuss strategies to further promote regional industrialization and enhance economic diversification. This will go a long way in creating jobs, especially for the youth and women in the region.

It is stated that the Heads of State will be expected to provide recommendations towards achieving STC (Sectoral Technical Committee) programs and strategies that will address current economic challenges faced by the region.

“The summit will also provide an opportunity to assess progress made regarding the implementation of initiatives that SACU has put into place in earlier summits,” reads the statement.

Meanwhile, Minister of Finance Neal Rijkenberg, during a press conference yesterday at the Happy Valley Hotel, said the country was ready to host such a big summit.

The minister said as a host country, Eswatini had been working together with the SACU Secretariat in preparation for the summit, which will be attended by at least 160 delegates. The minister stated that delegates would start flocking in from tomorrow until next week.