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MBABANE– The world is in a climate ICU and different stakeholders are coming together to save it!

Today, Acting Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Jabulani Mabuza said the time to tackle climate change was now before people suffered long-lasting consequences.

He was speaking during the Earth Hour Symposium and launch of Earth Hour 2023 today.

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This year’s Earth Hour will be commemorated on March 25, under the theme ‘Investing in our planet- #ShapeOurFuture’.

“The energy sector is confronted with many challenges which threaten the supply of electricity. The climate change impacts are exacerbating the situation and it is expected to worsen in the future. More extreme storms and flooding, extreme droughts, extreme heat, water and energy shortages, more pollution and loss to biodiversity will be evident. The recent heavy storms and floods are examples of extreme events which show that as a country we are not immune.

“This year’s launch will not only sensitise the country on energy savings but will also focus on the increasing need, across all sectors, to discuss mitigation strategies and actions towards climate change,” said the minister.

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Mabuza, who doubles as a Member of Parliament in Pigg’s Peak, said they should make this year’s 2023 Earth Hour event the moment where they came together with the courage and determination to respond to technology needs that address the impacts of climate change.

“We have the responsibility to choose a cleaner and greener future for our children and grandchildren.

“We need to take action now, together we are invincible. Cross-sector collaboration, partnerships and true stewardship should be at the centre of shaping the national climate action agenda. When partnerships materialise progress ripples outward, with a greater impact on everyone.

“For real change to take root, working together is imperative. I believe we can make the Eswatini economy strive, have communities that are vibrant and sustainable.”

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EEC Managing Director Ernest Mkhonta said they could not ignore the climate impact on humanity, the earth is heating up and they were experiencing extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods and fires. “The distortion of the climate risks is causing incalculable damage. For the past two weeks, it has been raining intensely and our operations have been affected significantly impacting our service delivery. Our dam levels have increased, and we are generating to capacity for peak demand,” said Mkhonta.

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