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MBABANE – Mhlam­ban­yatsi and Lob­amba tinkhundla centres have been praised for good ser­vice.

The centres have been praised by com­munity mem­bers for being effi­cient and con­veni­ent because they provide almost all the ser­vices one would seek at the Min­istry of Home Affairs.

The one-stop shops provide all the ser­vices provided at Home Affairs offices.

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This is cour­tesy of the mop up exer­cise by the min­istry to make sure every ser­vice is decentralised.

Dur­ing a visit to the Mhlam­ban­yatsi con­stitu­ency centre, the first res­id­ent to be inter­viewed said the ser­vice centre was one of the best ideas to come from the gov­ern­ment as they no longer needed to travel long dis­tances to access such ser­vices.

The resident further commended the good ser­vice they received from the officers who are sta­tioned at the Mhlambanyatsi Service Centre. They men­tioned that it was unlike the ser­vice they used to receive at the DC offices in Mbabane.

“Every­one is so sweet here, we have received great ser­vice so far,” said one Mandla Shembe.

Other inter­viewed residents said the one-stop ser­vice centres dispelled the stereotype that gov­ern­ment offices provided poor ser­vices.

“The build­ing even before you get inside, you can tell a lot of money and effort went into ensur­ing that we get excel­lent ser­vice,” Bongiwe Thwala.

Indeed a tour around the Mhlam­ban­yatsi ser­vice Centre proved the sentiments of the res­id­ents. Even though some services could not be provided at the time when this reporter paid the visit, the fully fur­nished canter boas­ted new and work­ing equipment.

This was the same scen­ario at the Lobamba Inkhundla, which was a hive of activ­ity on Fri­day. The busiest office was the Mas­ter’s Office, where the con­stitu­ents men­tioned that the ser­vice was effi­cient and was not time con­sum­ing at all.

The centre’s Secretary, Monica Tsabedze, who was found at the recep­tion, wel­comed this pub­lic­a­tion with the warmest ser­vice etiquette; this was even before being informed that the reporter had gone there for a story.

Tsabedze said they too offered all ser­vices but the Immig­ra­tion Depart­ment was cur­rently inactive.

“All our depart­ments work but the immigration is currently on hold because the equipment has not arrived yet,” said Tsabedze.