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MBABANE – The Ministry of Tinkhundla Administration and Development has launched the Tinkhundla Social Accountability Framework.

According to a statement by Government, the framework seeks to monitor the performance of politicians at Tinkhundla level.

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Principal Secretary Nonhlanhla Dlamini making her remarks on behalf of the Minister during the launch of the Tinkhundla Social Accountability Framework.

The framework was launched yesterday by Minister of Tinkhundla Administration and Development, David Ngcamphalala.

Speaking through his representative during the launch, Minister David Ngcamphalala said that the event marks the dawn of an era that seeks to respond to a nagging question that has troubled Government for many years regarding the efficiency of the Tinkhundla Political System.

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“This accountable framework is a tool sharpened and ready to call upon those in authority to deliver effectively to the electorate,” said the Minister.

“For as long as we can remember, the people of this country have been asking themselves, why is it that when they elect politicians some do not report back after being elected. I am excited that today, we are launching an Initiative that directly answers that question,” added the Minister.

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Director Decentralization Dumsani Sithole presenting the Tinkhundla Accountability Framework.

He also noted that the initiative will make the Tinkhundla System work for the people in the delivery of public services and thereby making public services work for the poor.

“We are confident that this initiative will inspire the people of Eswatini to participate even more in the country’s governance processes particularly at their Tinkhundla areas,” said the Minister.

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Under Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and
Constitutional Affairs Gugu Nsibande making her remarks on behalf of the Minister of Justice.

He also noted that this was an important milestone because Social Accountability enhances the ability of citizens to engage with their politicians and public servants in a more informed, constructive and direct manner.

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Clerk to Parliament Benedict Xaba making his remarks during the launch of the Tinkhundla Social Accountability Framework.

“The Social Accountability Initiative, which is a component of this exercise, will not only address issues of governance but will go beyond to address issues of poverty, gender, participation, empowerment and human rights,” he said.

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“As the Ministry directly involved with the people at grassroots level on a daily basis, we have found ourselves compelled to come up with such an initiative that endeavours to create the much needed and appropriate platform for interaction between our elected politicians and the electorate,” remarked the Minister.