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MBABANE – The Southern African Development Community (SADC), Electoral Observation Mission (SEOM) has noted the unique form of political Governance in Eswatini in respect to the Tinkhundla system.

This was mentioned in the Preliminary Statement on the conduct of the General Elections in the Kingdom of Eswatini that were held on September 29 , 2023.

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The SEOM noted the unique form of political governance of the Kingdom with respect to the Tinkhundla system, which amongst other consultative processes was formalised following a comprehensive review by a Commission of 1992, and is currently being administered by a dedicated Ministry of Tinkhundla Administration and Development.

Enock Kandivele former vice President of the Republic of Zambia and the head of of the SADC Electoral Observation Mission said the electoral system is embedded in the Tinkhundla system of Government,which is based on
direct representation and individual merit wherein a Single Member Plurality (SMP) also referred to as First- Past the- Post applies.

“The SEOM in 2018 recommended that the Government and the people of Eswatini, and I quote, “to conduct peaceful and tolerant dialogue with respect to the organisation of the political system, in particular, the recognition of the role of political parties in the context of the Tinkhundla system,” he said.

In addition he said the dialogue should give full effect to section 25 of the Constitution as well as section 236 thereof that also subscribes to the SADC values and norms
as enshrined in the Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections which provides for the right to freedom of association.

“The need for this dialogue was reiterated by subsequent SADC Missions, particularly those that came to this beautiful country in the wake of the violent disturbances that took place in June 2021. The Purpose of these missions was to assist the Kingdom in finding lasting and sustainable solutions to the political and security challenges that the Kingdom faced,” said the former President.

It should be noted that the SEAC was established in terms of
Article 9 (2) of the SADC Treaty. SEAC plays an advisory role on matters pertaining to electoral processes and the enhancement of democracy and good governance in the SADC Region.

Consistent with the revised SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections, the deployment of the SEOM was preceded by a Pre-Election Assessment Goodwill Mission of SEAC from 31st May to 9th
June 2023.

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The Mission was preceded by the SEAC Post-Election Review Mission of May 2022 which assessed whether recommendations arising from the SEOM to the General Elections of 2018 in the Kingdom of Eswatini had been implemented.

The SADC Electoral Observation Mission to the 2023 General Elections in the Kingdom of Eswatini comprised of 47 observers, from the following SADC Member States, namely: Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia,
South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe who were deployed to the 4 regions of the country, namely; Hhohho, Lubombo, Manzini and Shiselweni, respectively.

The Mission consulted with stakeholders among them: the Electoral and Boundaries Commission (EBC), Government bodies, the Police, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

Religious Leaders, some individual candidates, Political Party Representatives, Members of the Diplomatic
Corps, and International Election Observation Missions.
On 29th September 2023, the Mission observed the General Elections in the Kingdom of Eswatini in line with the revised SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021), and the relevant laws
of the Kingdom of Eswatini.

The Mission also observed Special Voting on
September 26, 2023, for essential staff including Security Personnel,Electoral Boundaries Commission staff, amongst others, who were on duty during the polling day.

“All SADC Member States have reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (I shall refer to these as the SADC Principles and Guidelines),” he said .

The SADC Principles and Guidelines provide an objective and scientific methodology for the observation of elections to contribute to the consolidation of democracy in the Region, by enhancing best electoral practices and by making recommendations that are aimed at addressing any electoral
shortcomings or challenges.