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MBABANE – Clerk to Parliament Bennedict Xaba has applauded the transparency and accountability of the Tinkhundla system.

Xaba said the election process for the Regional Female MPs was quite tense, but it was a success with such excellent candidates.

He said they were pleased to note that the candidates wished each other a win.

“I would like to congratulate all 20 candidates who participated in the elections and that they have also won. Through the election of these four women, all women in Eswatini and the nation at large have won,” he said today during EBIS letishisako program.

He also mentioned that there is now a total of 29 women in the 12th Parliament and that such elections happen when women that are elected during the general elections are less than the 30 percent of the house with is a requirement from the institution.

“The elected women will fully become members of parliament after their swearing in on Thursday afternoon. They are also expected to be part of the present parliament committees before the end of Thursday,” Xaba added.

Xaba stated that the House of Senators and the House of Assembly, both have a meeting to form other committees of the parliament. Before the end of Thursday, Xaba said that the will be elections happening in both houses.

“At least 90 or 95 percent of the committees would be complete on Thursday and they would be ready for the state opening, budget, speech and the debate of portfolio committees and the elected women are expected to be members of these committees,” he said.