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MBABANE – Local MC Mzwakhe Khumalo has been nominated for a South Africa-based award for MC of the Year.

The Rise to Greater Height Retreat and Awards will be held next year in KwaZulu (KZN) Natal in Durban North on August 24.

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The nomination list was announced last month, and nominations will close soon. When reached for a comment, the excited MC said, “Something really exciting has happened; I’ve been nominated for an international award courtesy of Rise To Greater Heights Retreat and Awards.,” shared Khumalo.

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He shared with this publication that the winners are selected through voting. “If you have a spare couple of minutes, please support me. Here is the link to vote: https://form.jotform.com/232885931513259 and my award category is MC of the Year.” He went on to alert his fans that supporter voting closes on Friday, December 29 at 6 p.m. SAST. One Man, One Vote.

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Tjovitjo shared with this publication that all one has to do is fill out the form and fill in the details (your name, phone number, and email address) as required to vote for Mzwakhe Khumalo for MC of the Year. “I would really love to win this award as I have worked hard this year doing what I love on stage (hosting corporate and Gospel shows including Makoti Festival, Junior Achievement Eswatini Future Foodies Festival, MTN iPraise Gospel Concert, Drone Security Conference, ESAMI Breakfast Meeting, World Environmental Day Commemoration, and 55/55 National Double Celebrations, to name a few).”

Khumalo pleaded with the nation to vote today because the voting line is closing soon. He also thanked his fans for their continued support.

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When asked when he was first on stage as an MC, he said, “I may not recall very well the date, but around 2010. I was standing in for an MC who was suddenly not feeling okay at a wedding party. The people were in stitches the whole time, and as they say, the rest was history. I started getting calls to assist in directing proceedings.” He went on to add, “It was a great experience, but the nerves are always there, so I can say it was a mixture of both excitement and scepticism if the people will accept me. I have done quite a few shows at both the national and international levels. My growth on the stage has mostly been through choral music festivals and Gospel shows. I have handled some weddings and memorial services alike as part of my journey,” concluded Khumalo.