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MBABANE – The Deputy Prime Minister Themba Masuku and the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) have announced that the damage caused by the persistent rains across the country amounts to E45 million.

The figures are entailed in the recent comprehensive report and already E8 million has been committed by the government to cater for the current damage and potential challenges, especially with Cyclone Freddy expected to hit the country this weekend.

The country has been experiencing torrential rainfall since February 7, causing extensive damage to infrastructure especially roads, bridges and houses.

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“The rainfall has also significantly disrupted services in the country as EmaSwati found it difficult to access services at schools and hospitals. The government of Eswatini through the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) and partners continue to respond to this damage to ensure that normalcy is restored,” DPM Masuku told journalists at his offices on Thursday.

Masuku added that from lessons learned from the previous Cyclone Eloise, the NDMA and partners have developed a Cyclone Readiness Plan which has been reviewed in light of the impending threat of Cyclone Freddy this weekend. He said this plan has allowed NDMA to be on high alert through the pre-positioning of response materials and mobilising resources for comprehensive response.