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MBABANE- One Billion Rising is taking activism to another level.

A lot of men have joined the One Billion Rising GBV campaign including chiefs and Inner Council members in different communities.

The campaign aims to end violence and abuse against women and children.

One Billion Rising Africa Regional Coordinator Xolani Hlatshwako revealed communities were looking for solutions to end the violence against women and children.

“We discovered there was a lot of abuse when working in the different 25 communities during the 16 Days of Activism. The abuse comes in different forms towards women and children in the four regions in Eswatini.  We encouraged people to create schemes or groups and have discussions for themselves about issues affecting them.

“Communities are looking for solutions for abuse to end. Chiefs, Inner-Councils, men, the youth and women in different communities have joined our movement to this struggle,” said Hlatshwako.

The Africa Regional Coordinator further mentioned that the consensus amongst the women in the various communities was that violence must be made a ‘National Crisis’.

“A lot of women in various communities worry that the violence against them and children will not stop if violence is not made a national crisis. They feel that the government should come to their aid and make violence a national crisis so that their struggle for an abuse free world does not fall through cracks,” said Hlatshwayo.