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Over 100 young people from the Shiselweni region attended green skills workshop in Nhlangano as part of the 21 Days of Y’ello Care 2023, heralded by MTN.

MTN Eswatini, the biggest telecommunications company by assets, subscribers and network reach, partnered with Yibutse Green Action to empower the young people with skills and knowledge to seize opportunities within the waste value-chain.

The event was held at the Nhlangano Town Council premises.

Addressing the youth, Nhlangano CEO Babsy Mavuso said waste management, which includes recycling was the way to go.

“We want to encourage the youth to consider venturing into this space to earn a living. Let us prevent pollution and reduce waste material that is ultimately sent to the landfill,” Mavuso said.

“Nhlangano Town Council would like to invite the youth on Nhlangano to come forward and contact our office so that we can train them and give them access to the landfill and engage other recyclers and help them with start up capital,” he said.

In another matter, Evidence Ntshalintshali, who spoke on behalf of MTN, said over the years their theme has been around issues of education.

“However, with the growing challenge of youth unemployment we have had to shift and focus on the empowerment of young people,” said Ntshalintshali, who spoke on behalf of the company.

“We are excited as MTN to have received so much traction from the youth of Shiselweni who are interested in waste management. We wish to implore the youth to seize the opportunities presented to you and put them to good use. MTN is here to support you during this campaign and beyond.”

Musa Ndlangamandla, the Executive Director of Yibutse Green Action NPO said MTN is fulfilling its promise of empowering young people, women and people with disability by creating a wealth of opportunities for job creation, entrepreneurship and promoting actions to mitigate the effects of climate change.

“Since inception, 30 years ago, MTN has been the undisputed leader in giving populations across Africa and elsewhere access to, and benefits of, a modern connected life, through digital and financial inclusion. Most importantly, whilst transforming lives and making such positive impacts, MTN is steadfastly committed to ensuring that its phenomenal growth and success does not come at the expense of the future of the planet. This commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles is at the heart of MTN’s forward-looking strategy called Ambition 2025: Leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress.”

Yibutse is proud of the partnership with a company that puts people, particularly the youth, women and people with disability, and the health of our planet at the heart of its business model.”
Yibutse, a youth-focused organisation has partnered with MTN in hosting regional workshops for youths to learn the vital skills of monetising waste.

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Artist and social justice activist Khulekani Msweli is one of the facilitators at the workshops.

Over 100 young people from the Shiselweni region to learn about proper waste management, particularly how to recycle, reuse, upcycle and repurpose ordinary materials they encounter in every day life, and to produce items that could help them earn a living.

This year’s campaign focuses on “Empowering entrepreneurs to unlock growth and job creation for communities.”

The youths drawn from as far apart as Mahamba and Lavumisa, assembled at the Nhlangano Town Council premises for interactive, fun-filled sessions on how to solve environmental challenges, and create market-ready products from waste.

“We are grateful to MTN for the opportunity to come together as young people from across the Shiselweni region to learn valuable skills about protecting the environment and earning a living from waste,” said Lindiwe Dlamini, who travelled from Matsanjeni.

“We were trained by highly knowledgeable people and our agemates who have been in the field for many years on how to deal with household waste, keeping our communities clean and turning waste into income through repurposing, recycling, upcycling. I can’t wait to get back to my community to spread the word about turning waste to useful products and to keep the environment clean.”

Her words were echoed by Simanga Dlamini from Mahamba who said he was grateful to MTN for including a financial literacy aspect to the workshops.

“I have been equipped with valuable knowledge on my journey towards financial independence including how to spot a good business opportunity, how to relate with money and the importance of having a budget. So, whilst we start our businesses of converting waste into useful and income earning products, we will have the skills and knowledge to manage our finances and improve our chances of success.”
Celiwe Hlophe said the platform provided by MTN also helped them as youths to rediscover who they are and how valuable they are to society.

“Some of the youths who participated in the workshops have had it rough in life. Many had fallen through the cracks and are dabbling in drugs, alcohol abuse and gangsterism. By organising these workshops, MTN has helped us engage and develop ourselves as young people.”

“This enables the youth to create a positive impact on society, identify, tangible opportunities for participating in the economy and become upright citizens.”

Mlandvo Dlamini, of Nhlangano said: “Increased population growth and rapid urbanisation have resulted in the generation of large quantities of solid waste across both urban and rural areas in Eswatini. The waste streams generated are a mixture of general office waste, which includes paper, packaging waste, plastics, cardboard, food waste, cans, construction and demolition waste, and electronic waste.”

Meanwhile, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals UNSDGs set a long-term agenda to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030. MTN is committed to playing its role in attaining these goals. Meeting these expectations while inspiring the public to take an interest in sustainability practices and solutions is of utmost importance.

MTN Eswatini CEO Wandile Mtshali said the primary focus of the workshops is to awaken young people to their capacity and potential to grow and develop entrepreneurial and leadership qualities, while at the same time addressing environmental problems affecting their specific local communities.

In another matter, Ndlangamandla said the pillar outcome of the workshops is to shine a spotlight and kindle public discourse and national interest on the need to strengthen efforts to build capacity and create opportunities for the youth by engaging them in sustainable entrepreneurship projects and activities for small scale job creation.

“MTN is pushing the narrative of collecting, recycling and repurposing waste products in order to protect human life, and conserve the environment. The company is at the centre of Eswatini’s transformation to improve people’s quality of life and making it economically empowering and environmentally sustainable,” Ndlangamandla said.

“Managing the environment is critical to addressing the unique sustainability challenges facing us today.”